21st Century Program
If you would like to have your child attend the 21st Century Program please contact Travis Andrist at (928) 642-1136 or travis@musd43.org, or ask your child to pick up an application.
If you would like to have your child attend the 21st Century Program please contact Travis Andrist at (928) 642-1136 or travis@musd43.org, or ask your child to pick up an application.
August 11, 2022
Dear Parents and/or Guardians
Welcome to the 21st CCLC After-School Program. Our program mission focuses on increasing the students’ internal motivation towards education and a healthy life-style. We are here to make a difference in your child’s life and students who are involved in after school activities are more successful in school.
We offer programs after school and on Fridays. There are many activities that are available for your child in our program. Students will have access to core academic classes in Reading, Math and Language Arts. The students will also have a choice in attending one of the following enrichment classes: Crafts, Speed Stacking, Lego Robotics, PS4 Designing & Learning games, Computer Math games and Team Sports/Physical Education which complement the academic classes. We will also provide homework/study time with teachers available to assist students in the area of need.
In the afternoon, the students will be given a healthy snack from 3:20-3:30. After snack time there are two periods of instruction. The first period is for academics and will be from 3:30-4:15, the second period is for enrichment and will be from 4:15-5:00. Bus transportation is provided for students attending the after-school program, M-Town University. We also provide bus transportation, both ways, for students attending our Friday after-school program. Please note: the Friday after-school program will be held this school year from 8:15 AM to 2:00 PM. Information about the bus stops and scheduled times for all 5 days are attached. Please keep those schedules for your information.
We look forward to providing your student with the appropriate level of education in our after school program. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Travis Andrist
21st CCLC Program Coordinator